Mouse over to see game options.Game Length: 10000The number of points players must reach to win. Initial Barrier: NoDo players have to meld 1000 points to begin playing. Zilch Rules: NoAre players at risk of losing all of their points after 3 consecutive busts. Amish Rules: NoCan players take over the roll of another player. Wild Die: NoIs a wild die being used. Crazy Dice: NoDo some die faces confer special bonus points when used in scoring. Fullhouses: YesAre full houses (4 of a kind and 2 of a kind) scored. Short Straights: YesAre short straights (5 dice in order) scored. Turn Timeout: 30The amount of seconds of inactivity before turn is skipped. Hinting: NoDoes this game offer hinting.
last won on Fri, Mar 16, 2018
in all regions
is a player who was present for the entire game.
is a player who was NOT present for the entire game.